The dense non-woven fabric is made of viscous fibers, connected to each other by chemical treatment.
The dense nonwoven fabric filters the air from fine particles, saliva, bacteria, and some viruses.
The quality and safety of the dense non-woven fabric is proven by test report N 8999819114504 (click here)
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We, from NEW SILHOUETTE, with responsibility for your trust have tested our base material-black dense nonwoven fabric for the degree of breathability and the content of dyes that are unacceptable for direct contact with the skin.
The test Protocol for the black nonwoven material N 8999819114504 shows that the degree of breathability of the material is within the regulatory limits .
The black nonwoven material is applicable for contact with human skin and is suitable for making reusable protective masks.
TEST REPORT N:8999819114504
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